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Pamukkale Üniversitesi Teknoloji Geliştirme Merkezi B Blok Oda:Z17, 20070 Denizli
+88 (0) 101 0000 000
Certified Kubernetes Administrator Certified Developer on Apache Cassandra


What is Vue.js ?

Vue.js is a progressive framework.

With a little HTML and JS code, we can turn our application into a user-interactive progressive structure.

Why We Use Vue.js ?

  • User friendly.
  • Useful.
  • Versatile.
  • High performance.
  • Maintainable.
  • Testable.

Vue.js Vs  Angular & React

  • Vue.js says it’s more performance than Angular and React. It has a simple syntax that is more understandable than other frameworks.
  • Component structure like React and Angular is available, but the process of rendering according to React is shorter.
  • While doing frontend design with React, doing everything with js makes the project cumbersome after a while. HTML and CSS lose their flexibility.
  • While React and Vue have the Virtual DOM feature, this feature does not exist in Angular.

What is Virtual DOM ?

React and Vue have a constant link between DOM and framework instances.

In other words, when any variable is changed, we immediately see the changes on the DOM.

Virtual DOM is actually a copy of the DOM that was created when we refresh the page.

Then, when any data is changed, the framework compares VD with the changed state, and if not, it performs the changes on the DOM. So both VD and DOM are updated

Component Structure

Component, in itself, HTML, CSS and Js code, which can actually be considered as a small application. Thanks to the modern Js framework, we can combine these parts. Vue.js allows us to easily combine this structure.

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