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Pamukkale Üniversitesi Teknoloji Geliştirme Merkezi B Blok Oda:Z17, 20070 Denizli
+88 (0) 101 0000 000
Certified Kubernetes Administrator Certified Developer on Apache Cassandra



What is Gatling?

  • Gatling designed to measure the performance of our application or website.Gatling is a tool that easy to use, sustainable and high performance.
  • Gatling is based on Scala. OS type does not matter because it works on JVM.

Why Gatling?

Gatling defined to load and performance on its website but We can define functional, non-functional, performance, load and stress test. By the way It’s open source. Gatling’s some advantages from its competitors: High JVM performance and low CPU usage.

In addition, when you do a test, the result is in html format and gives you the link.

Disadvantage: Requests are made from continuously running environment.

Test Types?

Let me pass on a promise made by google engineers before going to the test types; More than half of the users say that if the site is loaded for more than 3 seconds, it exits the site. Therefore, our site should be suitable for the purpose. If we use high quality pictures or unnecessary css in places independent of purpose, it is not very accurate to expect performance. If we go to the sample test types;
  1. Performance Test: The tests performed in order to check whether the system responds to specified expectations in certain situations.   It is the measurement of reaction time under normal conditions of application.
  2. Stress Test: The system is to be installed instantaneously in maximum number of users on certain busy days (black Friday). Then, observe how long the system was collected.
  3. Load Test: Scale the bottlenecks when the increasing request for the system. Maybe you can confuse because It’s similar to stress test.Load test, scale is the system working  when many user (predetermined) login at the moment. But stress test, scale how long does the system work?

How to use?

First of all, We extend our simulation to the Simulation method from Gatling. Then, define the url to request. We use the http.check () method to see our requests are responding.

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