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Certified Kubernetes Administrator Certified Developer on Apache Cassandra


Top IT Outsourcing Companies in Turkey 2019

At CloudNesil, we develop software with our niche expertise and cutting-edge technologies. We work on projects including aspects of Big Data, Machine Learning, and Cloud Transformation. Since 2013, we have been helping our clients achieve their goals with our technology solutions. We are excited about recently winning an award for being a Top IT Outsourcing Company in Turkey!

“Our mission is to create a very successful software consultancy in a location where there is no IT business at all. We’ve worked really hard for years and now we are seeing the fruits of that. I hope we can continue our success story by working together with Clutch.” – Ramazan Apa, Software Developer at CloudNesil

The award was granted by a company called Clutch. Clutch is a research platform for B2B service providers. Their website ranks and reviews B2B (business to business) companies all over the world, and CloudNesil was listed as one of Turkey’s tech experts on their site. In giving us this award, Clutch looked at our market presence, types of clientele, and client reviews.

One of our former clients was a company called Tasq. The project for Tasq included building the backend for a cloud infrastructure, including design and quality assurance as well. The Co-Founder of Tasq left the following review on Clutch:

They gave us 5 stars overall! 

The Co-Founder also said that:  “CloudNesil supplies high-quality cloud development service on time and at a great value. The team communicated fluently in English and demonstrated technical knowledge throughout.”

We are thankful for client reviews! They help us improve our services. 
We were also listed as highly-skilled developers on The Manifest, which is another website that offers business wisdom about B2B companies. On this website you can check out some of our notable projects and former clients! 

Visual Objects is a website that lets prospective clients visualize some of our development capabilities on their own! Our brand as tech consultants for Big Data, Cloud Development, and Software Development Services is highlighted on Visual Objects. 

Big Data and Cloud solutions will help your business succeed with new insights. Big Data analytics helps companies with cost reduction, better decision making, data-driven marketing, and targeted product development. By gathering insights from Big Data and utilizing Business Intelligence, our services at CloudNesil can help your business grow! We are thankful to Clutch for giving us this award as a Top IT Outsourcing Company in Turkey. It helps us affirm that our time and effort are paying off. 

Contact us today about the IT solutions CloudNesil can provide to help your company achieve success!

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