Kafka Encryption with SSL
Apache Kafka is a community distributed event streaming platform capable of handling events. This Article is about how you can secure Kafka communication both inter-broker and external. You can find plenty of information in official Confluent web
Backup/Restore elasticsearch between aws accounts
This article is about backing up and restoring elasticsearch between aws accounts. Since you can find plenty of resources online about installing s3 plugin, creating iam user, creating iam role for s3 access. I will focus on key points of
Ansible looping over nested variables
Ansible looping over nested variables
Kubernetes 101
What is Kubernetes? • Kubernetes is a container management/orchestration system • It runs and manages containerized applications on a cluster • What does that really mean? Kubernetes, basic features • Start 5 containers using image atseashop/api:v1.3 • Place an internal load balancer in front of these